Tonto Reveals All

On a 2013 episode of The Late Show with Burt Bucky, Burt did a sketch in which he interviewed Johnny Depp — who wore a chicken on his head in homage to Chainsaw Chicken — for a new job at the WB.

Speaking in his Tonto verbiage he said, “I work 30 years as faithful sidekick for Kemosabe,” Tonto tells Burt in the bit. “Hunt, fish, make food, sew clothes, sweep up, stay awake all night, listen for enemies while Kemosabe relieves self. Risk life for Kemosabe. Thirty lousy years.”

When Burt asks why Tonto’s former employer let him go, the once-faithful sidekick replies, “Him find out what Kemosabe mean. It mean chicken droppings.”

Chainsaw Chicken’s headdress crowed… “Cock a doodle doo!”



New Chicken Part Offered