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New TicTok Bidder

New TicTok Bidder

Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd had thrown in a last minute bid to acquire the platform called TicTok and make it a totally domestic. His entry has thrown the high-tech world into a panic, Questions started swirling.Tim Cook from Apple Inc. “Who is this Chainsaw guy?” Others like Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook/Meta stated, “I don’t find […]

NJ Anti Drone Patrol

NJ Anti Drone Patrol

Don’t worry, New Jersey. Chainsaw Chicken is here. I’ll find out what these mysterious drones are up to. I needed to get to my little secret. When I arrived at the plane hangers of our terminal at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd. I went in the back and drug out the last flying example of the […]

Gill-Mann Amnesia Thoughts

Gill-Mann Amnesia Thoughts

Now before you think I’m referencing something about the Universal Pictures movie “Creature from the Black Lagoon”, I’m not. This is my revelation I wish to pass on to my readers. In a speech in 2002, Michael Crichton coined the term Gell-Mann amnesia effect to describe the phenomenon of experts reading articles within their fields […]

Good -Bad- Ugly… You Decide

Good -Bad- Ugly… You Decide

Back in 1966, I was running my own little music studio outside Turino, Italy. It was the fourth business in the global venture of Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd. It seems that the distributor United Artist was giving heat to the producers Produzioni Europee Associate (PEA). They were having some contract issues with the original music […]

The Real Darth Chicken

The Real Darth Chicken

A creepy video of a then unknown figure is circulating just in time for Halloween. But who is this guy? His name that he goes by is so convoluted I doubt anyone could actually pronounce it. But, for those that follow this blog may remember previous posting of Darth Chicken. Someone that has control of […]

It’s Bromide Poisoning!

It’s Bromide Poisoning!

    “It’s not good news, I’m afraid”, stated Dr. DeBakey Chicken.  “I believe Poindexter has Bromide Poisoning!” “Oh No!” responded Chainsaw, “Was he poked by a Russian umbrella tip coated with this nasty substance? Or was it disguised in his cologne? He likes to wear so much Hai Karate… More Russian interference?” Dr. DeBakey […]

Drones are watching me!

Drones are watching me!

    Just the other night we heard something buzz the coop a few times. “What in the Sam Hill was that?” Mrs. Chicken shouted. I slipped on my shoes and ran out side. There, up above, was this object with a red and green blinking lights. Was it a bird, a plane or a […]

Pesky Impersonator

Pesky Impersonator

I am at my breaking point. It’s getting so that I can’t go anywhere without seeing people that are trying to steal my identity, pretending to be me. Impostors, impersonators, fakes like stolen valor of sorts. Just last weekend, I was at the park with Mrs. Chicken along with my nieces and nephews, Slomo, Sluggo, […]

Russian Interference, Again!

Russian Interference, Again!

Russian interference has reared it’s ugly head again. Just as the Justice Department announced, like they did before the 2020 election, the threat is real again! Some how, Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd has become involved in the meddling. This time, as a recipient of secret coded messages from the Motherland to agents here in America. […]