The subject of egg shaped skulls has reared it’s ugly head again.

Locations of elongated egghead skulls in a desert peninsula located within Pisco Province on the south coast of Peru, and the beaked skulls there are known to range from 2800 to 800 years old. An example found in 2015 was a mummified baby’s skull with an enlarged cranium. Southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego 2,000 years ago. Now in Utah too.

Since the recent discovery of the most well preserved example (on the right in the photo) found in the yard of an abandoned stone home in the barren land of Utah, the question of who and what these remains are from?

One Ivy league college department head suggested that they are the remains of an unknown race of alien visitors.

Another anthropologist, famous for writing a series of books on the origins of man, proffered the notion that this is proof man evolved from bird-like creatures with elongated skulls having increased brain capacity of an estimated 35% in size.

Chainsaw Chicken was heard to say that “If you notice that these skulls exhibit characteristics of chickens with the instance of being egg shaped or the actual beaks remaining attached to the skulls. You can connect the dots and see a picture. Chicken are superiors to all other forms of life”.

The collective noise from the eyes rolling from all educated professionals was actually heard.