Filing his ballot measure in the last state of a Nation wide tour, Chainsaw paid the $15 bucks to the filing clerk in an attempt to have year round Turkey hunting season in all states.

That’s right. No safe refuge for those pesky turkeys. “The only safe place for turkey’s is their adopted home site, Washington D.C. which is infested with turkeys all over the place” stated Chainsaw Chicken.

As Mother Goose said to Maverick on Top Gun, Once D.C. gets statehood it will be a real “target rich environment”.

Now comes the rally’s to keep this issue in front of voters. “I want licensing to be free, as well, but most states want a ‘piece of the action’ to cooperate” he continued. “Finding the right spokes people will be the key. There are plenty of examples of turkeys but a person to symbolically be the icon of the campaign will be the gimmick. I may pattern this movement after one of the most successful political campaigns in our history… Yeah, that’s the ticket! And we know what candidate received more votes than any other candidate EVER! I will do what he did. I will stay in my basement, do a few low quality video webcasts and fail to actually talk about any issues. It has to be a winner!”