Again, no one seems to care.

Where are the Hollywood celebrities? The Telethons? The donation web sites? The Justice Department, even PETA or the ASPCA? I’ve given up on the Southern Poverty Law School, for obvious reasons.

Millions upon millions of my fellow chickens have sacrificed their wings for this commercialize cultural event.

As we pointed out with Super Bowl 50, there where an estimated 1.2 billion wings consumed. That’s a ‘B’… for Billion.  That’s 600 MILLION of my brothers and sisters thrown on the alter of your gastronomic pleasure. You couldn’t be satisfied with celery sticks??? Oh no!

Here’s another year of decimation.

Good bye Peter, Paul, Mary, Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice, Crosby, Stills and you too Nash!

Gone forever.

My only solace is that less of my brothers and sisters will die. Their popularity is lower than when the league first started. With their pouty, privileged, protected, ‘let me show relevance ‘, while taking a knee having  tantrums of political righteousness, who wants to watch? . Do you want to watch cardboard cutouts and hear fake audience sounds?

My Super Bowl 50  complaint is here…





600M Slaughtered