This is so confusing. Is the goose swimming upside down or am I on my beak with my legs flailing in the wind? There is so much to consider.

Let’s start with some facts. Geese are not the rocket surgeons we’ve been led to believe. Going north, heading south, flying in geometric patterns while in groups. They think they are so smart because they fly in an echelon resembling an isosceles triangle. Okay ‘smartypants’, let’s see you fly in an ‘annulus’ pattern or like a ‘rhombus’. They are geometric patterns too! Na-na-na-naaa!

Then there is the logos and script mark in the photo. If they are turned correctly then the goose is carrying the lake on its shoulders.

And the water color. Where are we?  On the Amazon?

Now my head is spinning and I’m sick in my gizzard… Ahhhhh- ohhhhh!


Cheaper than a seat!