While the world focuses on Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg, there is a growing popularity watching her other sister, Uhla.

Uhla has a talent, with the aide of harnessing the substance called DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). This ‘class 1’ substance, taken in large amounts, enables the user to communicate with entities in hyperspace. That’s right! Those of another plane (not as in an airplane)

Uhla takes the DMT and enters a ‘less than conscience trance‘. Unable to focus or even remember what is relieved through the experience.

These entities, from another dimension, are very willing to help Uhla see the proper and clear guidance to concepts that unlock the potential of human beings to join the ‘similar plane’ of these entities, with advanced knowledge and enhanced experience.

She draws out the information unconscionably transmitted to her. Once she recovers from the dosing, she has very little recollection but has the ability to explain what she was shown to draw.

Here, she is in the midst of her ‘transcendental voyage‘ communicating with the entities and drawing something profound and insightful.



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