Here we go again!

A chicken in every pot?

I liken that tired and fruitless trope to more to the analogy of the ‘frog in a pot of boiling water‘.

Are you familiar with it?  Some say it is one of Eshops Fables, but that is not true.

If a frog is placed  in a tub of water at normal temperature which is being heated slowly, according to the anecdote, they don’t react and end up getting cooked in the boiling water.

Regardless, is has been around for centuries. It actually is a physical example of what Dr. Overton described as the ‘Overton Window‘. Which is a spectrum from “more free” to “less free” with regard to government intervention, oriented vertically on an axis, to avoid comparison with the left/right political spectrum. As the spectrum moves or expands, an idea at a given location may become more or less politically acceptable.

Now, imagine this impact on us fellow chickens. That only magnifies the effect and narrows the ‘window’.

And guess who controls the gradual heat of the burner? That’s right! I believe it to be TURKEY’S!


Big Chicken before…