Did I ever tell about the time I rescued Tyrone Power from an over-aggressively enthusiastic fan?

There I was, idling outside the Brown Derby in Beverly Hills. I had just finished my lunch with Johnny Weissmuller and his 3rd wife, Allene.

I was giving Johnny some coaching advice on how to break into television since his Tarzan movies had fallen out of favor.

As I warmed up my, one of six ever made Alfa Romao ’52 Volante 2000 Spider, who should I spot but Tyrone. I think he was being heavily confronted by some anti-meat eater about his bull fighting character in the movie “Blood in the Sand”.

I put my Alfa in gear and rolled up to him. “Get in, Tyrone” I shouted. He fumbled at the door latch. “The other side, Tyrone“.

He ran to the left side and climbed in. I goosed the engine, it stalled, I restarted and off we went. A reporter for ‘The Tattler’, a Hollywood gossip magazine, shot the picture.

Tyrone, my man… who was that guy and what was that all about?” I asked racing down Rodeo Drive.

“That was my wife Deborah’s step-brother. He has some brainy idea to make some Hawaiian circle thing kids swing on their hips. A hulu something”.

“Nonsense, Tyrone, that’s a looser” I added. “Don’t get involved.  Where can I drop you?”

“Can you take me to Basil Rathbone’s place?” Tyrone asked.  “I’m teaching his grandson some fencing”.

“You got it, T.P. … Hang on” I declared  “Let me slip this into second”.


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