With Disney and Marvel Studios churning out more super hero movies as well as series TV shows, D.C. comics and Warner Bros. studios were pulling out their hair.

“Let’s remake the Justice League, make it twice as long and add all kinds of extraneous  video we had on the cutting room floor! Yeah, that’s the ticket” said a now dismissed studio exec.

That didn’t work.

“How ’bout we take our last actual hit, ‘Suicide Squad’ and give it a retread?” Sure, that’ll work!” said his replacement that was later escorted away by security as he carried his desk items in a filing box.

Finally, the wife of the executive said, through her Chinese translator, “Why not use image and video mapping and bring back the super heroes that made us originally great, calling it Original Justice”.

So watch for the latest Justice League retread where they ‘dig up’ George Reeves to be Superman, Robert Lowery who was the favorite actor in the original Batman – the action Saturday series, the Original Sargent Buckethead outfit with an unknown actor as well as Wonder Chicken.

We shall see…



Not DC or Marvel