You might own one of these priceless Chainsaw Chicken Troll Dolls and not be aware. Check that junk drawer. Go threw that pile of stored stuff in your mothers attic. Search the shelves of Goodwill and tables at swap meets. Dedicate your Saturdays to going to all the garage sales where you live.
But why is this so valuable?
It all happened when Danish fisherman and woodcutter Thomas Dam from the Danish town of Gjøl read Chainsaw’s web site and decided to offer a special ‘Chainsaw Chicken’ version for his Good Luck Trolls.
Unfortunately, when the head creator actually saw the product from the mold, he destroyed the run. Only less than 100 made it into circulation.
Chainsaw could literally say “They broke the mold after me”.
Greetings! I have one of these! I have it up on Ebay.