UFO’s are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP’s. There has been a drastic increase in their sightings. So many videos have surfaced from military jets chasing after these strangers from outer space.

But have you heard of the more chilling news about abductions?

Literally dozens of people around the United States have been reported as being abducted and have not returned to their families and homes.

We at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd have accumulated the data of these abductions and we have made a surprising conclusion. Hang on, this may shock you!

Each of these abductees had one thing and only one thing in common. The were all either at the time or recently impersonators of Chainsaw Chicken.

Think of this.

Dismiss if you will, laugh if you must, scoff should you need but we have proof.

You won’t find this information in the traditional media for obvious reasons to help quell the general public. Just know that we had nothing to do with this other than transmittingthe known frequent locations of these imposters openly by many forms of radio communications.

We are simply at a loss as to what has happened.