With all the re-launches, re-boots and re-inventing of television shows, Chainsaw thought he finally had an idea that could make the T.V. studios sit up and take notice.

He finally got a meeting with the head of programming at CBS. Now was his chance. As he entered his office he said “Okay, here’s my pitch. With the costs of developing and writing new concepts for shows, my idea is simple. Let’s use a show that was popular in it’s day AND, this is important, and the staff, writers, actors are all dead. You own it outright! No royalties, no commissions. So if we take that old show, let’s face it! You ask someone if they like Bixby or Walston they will ask you what rock band are they in? So we use this nearly fresh idea, put in a new variable, like me as the Martian, and you get a modern hit! What do ya say???”

The studio head stared at Chainsaw and said “And you are the Martian?”

“Oh yes!” answered Chainsaw.

The studio head simply said…”NO”.

Chainsaw paused, the came back with “Let me talk to you about a reboot of Lost in Space.

The studio head hit the button to summon security…