The flyer flapped in the breeze, promising a lecture on “Spoonerisms: A Hilarious Look at the English Language.” Intrigued, I tucked it in my pocket. Maybe it had something to do with spooning in bed with my wife? A delightful confusion filled me.
The lecture hall buzzed with excitement. I settled into a seat, the scratchy wool itching my neck. The lecturer boomed, launching into the world of spoonerisms, words all muddled up. My smile widened beneath the mask. Stop signs became “shop stsigns,” yielding to “yeild.” The world seemed to wink at me.
Spoonerisms weren’t just silly wordplay; they were proof of the universe’s humor, a hidden joke waiting to be discovered. Laughter, I realized, was the key to unlocking life’s mysteries. Skipping home, I couldn’t wait to share my newfound treasure with my wife. The world, through my innocent eyes, was a much funnier place than ever before.