The White House as well as the democratic party claim no knowledge of this A.I. generated photo showing President Joe Biden in an hug with a supposed Chainsaw Chicken impersonator.

While the image of Biden is authentic, it is evident that the A.I. generated image of this ‘fake’ Chainsaw is obvious.

You see, Chat GPT and A.I. systems are still not capable of generating an image of Chainsaw Chicken. Some have speculated that the limits are due to two things. The popularity of Chainsaw Chicken making an accurate representation difficult, coupled with the uniform ban of any promotion of Chainsaw by social media sites.

Someone, wishing to promote Joe Biden, still wanted to make some sort of endorsement for the current President by Chainsaw Chicken because of the underground swell of favourability without regard to the social blocking.

Anyway, it’s fake. He doesn’t even have a beak!