The Significance of Time…. The significance,…of… time. So much to ponder.

Much has been said, in fact, a significant amount of time has been spent on the significance of time. Why such a significant amount of time?

Let’s toss this word salad high in the air.

Let us use the example of a yellow school bus. I just love yellow school buses. They are a significant addition to the time it takes to travel to places.

But we need to consider the significant equity and equality of of the yellow bus.

Take the buses’ tires. The front tires significantly reach the destination before the rear tires. Although the tires have equality, the rear tires significantly lack equity because they are always behind the front tires. This is significant. Those rear tires need more equity to help finish at the same time as the front tires. This is significant. Not to mention the loss of time from the difference between the front to the rear tires.

Again, so much to ponder.