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New Test For Sanity

New Test For Sanity

Finally, there is a ‘fool-proof’ test for your mental sanity and stability. This test was developed by Prof. Poppycock Chicken to instantly diagnose the sanity and psychosis someone may be suffering from. Start by gazing at the the stationary Blue/Yellow orbs in the rows. If they are not moving, then you are okay and have […]

A refund before we go

A refund before we go

Last Friday, as I was on my way out to go clubbing with Caitlin Jenner, I had to swing by Walmart to take back an item. When I got up to the agent she asked for the item to be refunded. I had a slice of pizza in the bag from one of their pre-made […]

Easter Bunny Training

Easter Bunny Training

“Spring has sprung… The grass has riz… I wonder where the bunnies is?” According to Chainsaw Chicken, they are all in advance Easter production.”There are a ton of Easter baskets needing to be filled with bunny eggs”. Consider the concept of changing over the process of what bunnies traditionally drop in the yard to something […]

Yugo Limo for Hire

Yugo Limo for Hire

Always ready to take advantage of a deal when it rolls around, Chainsaw has purchased this very hard to find and extremely unique Yugo custom limousine from a Croatian car dealer. “There’s row after row of seating. It’s very special. Just in time for prom and the Wine tours. I only wish there would have […]

Remember Jr. High girls?

Remember Jr. High girls?

Think back to those Junior High or Middle School dances. The gym is decorated but is generally dark. The refreshment table is better illuminated with some bagged cookies laid out and a punch bowl with some small paper cups lined up. You and the guys are in small groups of a dozen or so talking […]

‘Crocky’ Finally Located

‘Crocky’ Finally Located

Known for his hi jinks and tom-foolery, ‘Crocky’ Chicken, (born Eugene Palmaroy Chicken) was finally located yesterday. He was an employee at the Queensland Regional Dangerous Animal Park. Rumor had it that he had walked away from his job after failing to appears for the third sequential personal safety meeting. “Sheba”, the star salt-water croc, […]

‘Chuck Atlas’ Chicken

‘Chuck Atlas’ Chicken

Many of us grew up seeing ads similar to this one on the back or inside pages of comic books and teen magazines. If you could dig one up and take another look at it you would see that it was Chainsaw ‘Chuck Atlas’ Chicken pumping his guns on the bright yellow background. Go take […]

Viking Heritage

Viking Heritage

Okay… I admit it. I keep seeing that commercial about a guy looking at his ancestry. I decides to use my DNA to show where my family is from according to factors within the chromosomes and blood elements. So, I tried it and this is what I got for results; The first reply stated that […]

ISIS Takes a Brother

ISIS Takes a Brother

Seen on the Al-Ma-Nut-Job web site today is a photo of the leader of ISIS, Abba Zabba, holding the head of a local Christian Church Leader. His name was Bob Chicken. An official protest was filed at the Swiss council but fell on deaf ears. A new memorandum is being sent to Past Secretary of […]

Who wears rubber masks?

Who wears rubber masks?

I tell you. I can’t understand this one.  This is not Halloween. This is something else. Can you believe that in some cultures there are groups of people that wear rubber masks of bird heads? Ridiculous! I just don’t see the point, if there is one. I have seen a video of “10 Creepiest things […]