You’ve seen the news. We all have. Chainsaw Chicken was embroiled in an media firestorm of misleading issues and misrepresented motives surrounding this confrontation.

The ‘face-off’ was not with Nicolas Cage as this reference would suggest but with a leader of the Turkeyite Tribe, a small native American group, known for their worship of the American Turkey. Their consistent position against chickens is known throughout the country making Chainsaw a natural focus-point of this movement. So when they saw this group of supporters wearing their “Make Chickens Great Again” red caps, the tribal leader, Chief Soargums, beats his hand drum with a chicken leg representing turkey dominance over chickens.

The media claimed Chainsaw cluck racial slurs but no evidence have been presented. He did admit to mumbling the words “gobble, gobble gobble”.




The Emu is OUT!