October 7th, 2000.

The night before the final debate between Vice President Al Gore and George Bush. The training and practice debating was at a fevered pitch.

Earlier in the week Gore had been accused in several editorial columns that his performance in the previous debates were ‘wooden and too dispassionate’.

Gore began to explore debate techniques to boost his performance. He recruited the skills of Orical Chad Chicken, Chainsaw’s step cousin.

Somewhat like the movie “The King’s Speech”, he showed how emotion can overpower logic and knowledge. Orical was heard to say “Whoever told you to say that Social Security is in a locked box” needed to go work for the other party”.

Gore was told to show extreme commitment in every word he utters. Here we see him saying his name. “Hello, I’m Al Gore”.

We all know what happened. we heard Chad’s name for months later doing many thing like ‘hanging’ and ‘dented’ and such.

Gore went on to form a Carbon Energy Management Company with the partnership of David Blood…

Yes, it was Blood and Gore.




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