As can be seen in this historic 1960’s photo taken on a University campus, it shows the disturbing and unhealthy practice of what some label as ‘heavy petting’. All caused by the evils of rock and roll.

As the transistor radio held by Brian ‘Beach Boy’ Chicken lures an unaware female with his demon music, you can actually see the lust in her eyes. Yet she is entirely unaware that his radio is like a Hindu flutist hypnotizing a cobra out of its basket. We all know where the snake is in this situation.

Demon music of the likes of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Bobby Sherman rhythmically drone with an audible repeated thump echoing through the loins of both these young and vir-ryle students.

If you could see his wallet, I am sure you could see a ring worn into the leather.

It’s despicable.

Our parents never acted like this. Just ask them.



Stay Off A My Boots