Has this ever happened to you? You are in a casual meeting with other friends or co-works, and they begin to use slang words and expressions you simply do not understand. What do you do? Do you just nod in acceptance to what they are expressing? Do you feel that you want to add to the conversation rather than just simply be a follower?

Now is your chance to learn more and to keep up with the others.

Chainsaw Chicken has now written the comprehensive collection of ethnic street slang the rest of us need to understand to implement in your conversations.

Put Your Foot Up In It for dummies” will get you the thoughts, syntax and expression you need to make others believe you know what you are hearing, can evaluate it, incorporate it into you line of conversation and regurgitate an appropriate response.

Examples of what are in the book;

1. Receipts – Evidence of a person’s hypocrisy, often pulled from past social media or text conversations

2. Bae – A pet name that stands for Before Anyone Else

3. Yaas – An enthusiastic way of saying yes

4. Turnt – Hype for a party

5. Lit – When something is turned up or popping

6. Sus – When someone is acting suspicious or shady

7. Bruh – Another way of saying “seriously?”

8. Thirsty – Horny

9. On fleek – Fashionable

10. Clap back – A comeback filled with attitude

11. Hunty – Equivalent of friend but said with attitude

12. Bye Felicia – An expression used to dismiss someone

13. Adulting – To grow up and act responsible

14. Throwing shade – Making a subtly mean comment about someone

15. Swerve – Get out of the way

16. Trolls – Someone who purposely tries to provoke others

17. Ratchet – Trashy

18. Stan – A combination of stalker and fan

19. Gassed – When someone has had one too many compliments

20. Dank – Really cool

21. Ghost – When you completely disappear after hanging out and showing interest

22. Shook – Confused or in utter disbelief

23. High-key – Straight up truth

24. Savage – Petty

25. Shipping – Wanting two people to date

26. JOMO – Joy of missing out

27. OTP – One true pairing

28. Trill – True and real

29. Hundo P – A shortened form of 100%

30. Snatched – Attractive

31. Squad – A group of friends

32. Yeet – A way to show excitement or agree

33. Thirst trap – A sexy photograph or flirtatious message posted on social media

34. Wig snatched – Exposing someone to reveal the truth

35. Suh – A shortened version of what’s up

36. Bounce – Leaving suddenly

37. Swol – Someone who works out

38. Hangry – When you are angry because you are so hungry

39. Bougie – Someone from a higher class

40. Finna – Going to


So Git You’s paisty ass outs there and gits to speakin.


Yuckin’ it up with Chevy