Analytical study comes rather easy for Chainsaw Chicken. While others seem to struggle with any thinking outside the box, Chainsaw loves the thought of roaming around the box or the sand that’s piled up within it.

With the influence of ethno-science, ethno-mathmatics and even ethno-ludicrosity, (frankly, anything ‘ethno’ so we all have ‘equity’), the question arises to Chainsaw, “What do we all have (thus the equity) that is in abundance that virtually no one utilizes?”

He pondered the question long and hard taking days to continually explore outside of the afore mentioned box. Sitting at his desk, drinking Mountain Dew, coffee and other refreshments. Minutes later, that old familiar urge stuck Chainsaw and he made his way to the privy to relieve himself.

As he began to ‘go with the flow’ he was struck with an overwhelming concept.

“What if we could harness urine, something everyone produces (again— Equity) and turn it into something useful and needed?”

Capturing a portion of the stream in a test tube, Chainsaw focused on the slightly warm substance as seen in the Time-Life magazine cover photo re-created above.

Again, as though he had a discharging car battery in his pants, the total idea emerged in his brain.

“With a simple addition of some inexpensive compounds, we can turn everyday urine into a delightful and effective mouthwash”!

That’s the ticket. Colgate, Proctor and Gamble, Pepsodent, Listerne and all the big dental players will be scrambling to secure this patent for themselves. Can you imagine the marketing campaign?



Project Bluebook ’61