I love mushrooms. Don’t you?

I am speaking of the eating type, not the recreational ones.

There are so many types with unique flavors, colors and textures. I especially enjoy Portobello or Shiitake or Maitake but I’m not sure about those Luke-o-bello’s or even the Perry-takie.

Why do you ask?

You see, when Luke Perry succumbed to the pressures of life and stroked out ( not the same kind of ‘stroke’ my grand son uses daily), he was buried in an eco-friendly mushroom burial suit designed to remove polluting toxins from the body while naturally breaking it down to reunite the body with the earth and the ongoing cycle of life.

Doesn’t that sound appealing?

So when you are enjoying that spaghetti and mushroom sauce or that spinach and mushroom side dish, think of good ol’ Luke.



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