Since the new trend of the ‘woke crowd’ is to cancel and eliminate anything to do with the with the oil industry or it’s related products and Chainsaw’s history with petroleum products, he figured he should take on a new job.

Not long ago every political leader and talk show host on daytime TV said “learn to code”… so that sounds good. But, I don’t want to start at the bottom and have to work myself up the ladder. What’s the best coder thingy? What the best of coding? Instant ‘top dog’?

I know!  I will become a hacker! Yeah, that’s it!

How do I get paid? I just hack into the bank and move small, insignificant amounts of money into my account. Like they do in Congress. A million here, a million there… pretty soon you are talking about real money. But I will do it slowly. Only a few times a day… max.

I know I need some practice, so I think I will offer something everyone wants and put an ad on Facebook. They never seem to check the ads. Then, when someone orders whatever I am offering, I will have their info!

Now, what will I sell?

Let me think about it. My computer keeps wanting to do an update…

New end-user policies.. What???


Deleted Meghan Segment