Spare the Rod…Spoil the child!

That’s what Chainsaw’s step-father used to say at every opportunity he had to discipline me.

Sure, there may have been things that Chainsaw did as a adolescent with a inquisitive nature. Generally  behaviors like “Will this carpet burn if I use an iron on high and let it rest for several minutes face down?” Simple question. Kind of a science experiment.

And there was that nagging question he always asked, “How much water will a closet hold?” Seems like a math question.

Without regard, step-daddies would always take the opportunity to drag our this expression…I have to tell you, it wasn’t love that he felt…it was a throbbing rear end.

Proverbs 13:24
“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”



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