Do you remember when President Reagan said “”With all this manure,” the little boy replied, beaming, “there must be a pony in here somewhere!”

Well, Phineas Chicken decided to check out this theory so he headed to D.C. in the hopes of finding a pile of manure. Where else would expect to find a vast quantity of piles?

As he was stopped at  the reinforced wire protecting our fearless Senators and Congress people, the Nation Guard threatened to permanently detain him in Guantanamo if he didn’t leave. So… Up he went!

Then, Phineas thought he might go to The Washington Post newspaper owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. As he approached the building, the aroma of what he was seeking became very apparent but alas, Phineas was not able to make entry since his Facebook info reflection was not aligned with the current administrations views on a few subjects.

What to do, what to do???

Maybe Joe would be willing to write an executive order allowing him access. Naw, not likely. Phineas thought he might try to locate Dr. Jill Biden at the medical conference going on, but she was not present.

Then, as Phineas was walking the streets trying to consider any options, he tripped over a rape pile right in front of the CNN bureau office. Not bothering to check, he started digging, looking for that elusive pony.

Suddenly, he felt the sharpness of a horn that started to emerge.

Phineas then realized that he was not digging in a pile of horse manure but rather a big steaming pile of Bullcrap!

The bull started violently moving and Phineas was gored in the ass. The bull went from calm animal to a angry animal running down the street.

Phineas was rescued by some Japanese tourists.


Brighten The Day