In an effort to try to get back to ‘Normal’ rather than living with a ‘New Normal‘ as well as to try to make people more comfortable with the aspect of Covid in everyday life, Mrs. Chicken has decided to relaunch her entertainment career. She is now doing song and dance numbers to retirement and senior communities as a tribute to Carmen Miranda (the Brazilian entertainer popular in the late 40’s though the 50’s known for singing while wearing a fashionable fruit basket on her head).

Her ‘gimmick’ is wearing models of different types of covid viruses in her hat, on a necklace and ornaments on her blouse. Plus see has a hypodermic needle in her shoulder.

Her act would primarily be her doing the samba around the tables avoiding the wheelchairs and oxygen hoses in the lunchtime cafeteria while over-emphasizing her movements teasing the male viewers around the room.

If your retirement home or senior center would like to book Mrs. Chicken, now known as Covid Miranda, please send us an email if you are computer literate, if not, a hand-written letter will do.


Meet Mrs. Chicken