gender-neutral pronouns

Leave it to the Swede’s.

Now that they have emerged trying to be the most ‘woke’ country in the world, they have started celebrating their new selection of gender-neutral pronouns.

It works like this;

Swedish people have had two gender pronouns for a long time: hon (she) and han (he).

Now the question was, how do we integrate and welcome gender neutral pronouns into a language that is literally over a thousand years old? If we take the word ‘hon‘, tie it down so it can’t squirm or get away, then smack it real hard with your ‘han‘ (sorry, I could resist the pun)… let the bruising subside and what do you get??? You get ‘Hen‘.

Now how do we promote this new word usage? We need a mascot, a symbolic character to represent this new creation. And what better to encapsulate the word ‘hen‘ than a chicken… Right? Pretty good, huh? And who’s the most famous chicken? No, not robot Chicken! That knockoff! It’s me! Chainsaw Chicken!

After the usually back and forth between the Swedish Government and Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd, a compromise was worked out and Sweden could have it’s gender neutral pronoun festivals as long as the leader dressed in Chainsaw masks and the followers did what they could.

If you look at the publicity photo above, you will see three “hen’s’ holding hands and wearing traditional Swedish outfits as well as Chainsaw Chicken masks.

It looks like Berny Sanders is on a bike in the parade wearing his chicken head dress as well.

Well to all of you I say, “Yahhh, n’sure”




Wuhan Lab Discovery

Wuhan Lab Discovery