When Irish dancer Michael Flatley once said, “Everyone in the world will tell you, ‘No, it can’t be done.’ Every time I hear that, I know I’m close to success.

“That’s good enough for me” stated Chainsaw Chicken after playing a VHS tape of Lord of the Dance he found at a local garage sale. Actually, he thought the tape was “Lord of the flies”, but he watched it anyway.

With that, Chainsaw began the rigorous daily triples of training for his debut of dancing for the team at LOTD.

Three times a day he would pour a handful of hazel nuts in the shell, dawn his patent leather boots and stomp his exaggerated heels as quick as he could, crushing the nuts against the cement floor in his garage. The music booming from his portable radio.

Day after day, week after week… “Keep those arms in the air!, Tiny steps!, back straight!!!”

Finally he felt he was ready. He grabbed his Danskins and headed for the auditions in NY.

He approached the studio hosting the tryouts for the next world tour only to find a note taped to the door saying, “Thanks to Bill de Blasio, all studios are closed. Come back in 2022″.

We’re with you Chainsaw, keep up the training.




A refund before we go