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Priceless Chicken Troll Doll

Priceless Chicken Troll Doll

You might own one of these priceless Chainsaw Chicken Troll Dolls and not be aware. Check that junk drawer. Go threw that pile of stored stuff in your mothers attic. Search the shelves of Goodwill and tables at swap meets. Dedicate your Saturdays to going to all the garage sales where you live. But why […]

Social Media Influencer

Social Media Influencer

In the manner of other great social media influencers, Chainsaw has begun his campaigns to persuade you to consider products you might not actually need. Mimicking the routine of notable influencers such as the infamous Khloé Kardashian, Dixie D’Amelio, and the special David Hogg, Chainsaw  invites you to follow his revaluations on the social sites […]

Chicken-Human Clone

Chicken-Human Clone

A stunning clandestine video was secreted out today of a chicken-human clone strutting around a laboratory grounds. The clones handlers can be seen guiding and protecting this one of a kind experiment. Questions started being asked. “Was this another project from a Wuhan lab?” “Is this an offspring from some alien coupling with a ‘birthing […]

Georgia Guide Stones Blasted

Georgia Guide Stones Blasted

The Georgia Guide Stones were demolished by a unknown party this week. What is the Georgia Guide Stones you may ask? Don’t believe what Wikipediaphile says about who paid for this monument to the New World Order. It is a statement of laws or rules they want the World to run by. Lower the world’s […]

Liberal World Order Leader

Liberal World Order Leader

Liberal world order revealed. Brian Deese, a political adviser serving under President Joe Biden, said the quiet part out loud. Something that was treated as either a conspiracy or a future event in a movie. But no. It is here. How do we know? The administration admitted it. But who is the leader of this […]

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