It seems that Chainsaw’s brand of focusing on truth and real information is not appreciated in all locations.

Hanging in effigy from a multi-floor building in Old Town Portland, Oregon is  a rubber chicken and the words painted next to it, “Go Home – Chainsaw”!

“Some people just can’t stand hearing the reality of the situations I talk about on my site”, stated Chainsaw in his interview with the media. “especially those guys all dressed in black and wearing hoods. They have a a strange belief that I am some kind of establishment puppet”, he added.

“Will you be asking the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department to investigate this event?”, asked the reporter.

“Probably”, replied Chainsaw. “Millions of Chickens are killed each year. This is a wake up call, let them go after the other white meat!” he continued, “The better part of valor is discretion, so in the words of Jean-Paul Sartre… “Au revoir, Portland“.