I was taking a tour of the Penn-Biden institute. I had been invited to join a group of post-graduate student that had a one-half of one percent top I.Q.

They showed us many rooms and wall certificates from countries all over the world. There were also letters of appreciation and trophies. That was all fine and well but I really needed to find a bathroom. I simply needed to relieve myself from all those Mr. Pibbs that I had been continually drinking.

I asked the group leader and was told “just wait”.

I glanced down a hallway and saw a door open labelled with a plaque titled ‘ Vice President Joe Biden’. I could see a side door opened and I could tell it was his bathroom.

I snuck in and finally got to relieve myself. Wow…What a room. There was a big painting of him watching me pee.

Anyway. I buttoned up and left the room.

Weeks later, I get a certified letter. In it, there was the above photo taken by a security camera of me trying to close my zipper. In the letter I was told that I have been trespassed from the Penn-Biden Think Tank and will never be allowed in the doors again. At first I thought that it might be because they could see that I didn’t wash my hands after the experience but I think I know the reason.

Take a good look at the picture. I discovered that in the magazine rack next to the toilet are many publications. Evidently Joe needs to take some time while he ‘drops the kids off at the pool’. However, notice the other items in the rack.

Yup, looks like more Classified Documents in their folders.

So here’s more proof!