Welcome to my metaverse. I am the supreme leader here. I control everything. I control how you feel. I am the one that gives pleasure to you and ultimately, to myself.

There is nothing in my metaverse that I don’t totally influence, inhibit, accept or reject.

In my metaverse you exist at my choice. You have no influence or worth. I can end you with a toggle of my console.

I am the only one that has needs in my metaverse. You exist to satisfy those needs.

With great power come great rep… Hey! Everything went blank! What happened?

Ahhh Mom!!!

Did you turn off the power switch on the wall?

Why can’t you learn the difference between the light switch and the switch that controls my game console???

Now I have to reboot and start over!

Please… don’t come down stairs into the basement unless I ask you too. You and dad agreed to let me live here like it was my own. It’s my space!

Did you leave my allowance on the table?