After months and months of deep investigation. the Justice department has released the mugshot of the culprit. Many have said that he has the look of a serial killer who simply was just getting started on his spree when Jeffrey Epstein was first to perish from this man’s evil intent.

Who is this dastardly evil doer? Why it’s none other than my cousin, Jimmy “the knife” Chicken.

Some ask, how did they catch him? What tipped them off? Was there a video? (Oh no… of course not. Remember, the cameras were off). So what tipped them off to cousin Jimmy?

Was Jimmy also at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York at the same time as Epstein? Who knows?

All we know for sure as to his guilt is he confessed during a recent group session with the introduction of mushroom therapy while he was being held in a local jail for an unrelated charge.

What seems strange is that since the Clinton Foundation has been put in charge of the case there have been 17 ‘suicides or missing people” related to the investigation.

Hopefully, Jimmy “the knife” will survive long enough to get to his future arraignment and subsequent trial.