Are you in the need for a secret email account? Something that is just for you, keeping those pesky wives, girlfriends and government agencies out of your hair?

We invite you to check out the email services offered by Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware and JRB Ware. These are the alias names our fearless leader used. They helped him avoid all those people “who just don’t need to be in the loop” with what you need to communicate to others. It can work the same way with you.

Some might ask, “Will your services only work for local messages but also world-wide messages? I need to avoid Federal, International and inter-agency monitoring”.

Our answer is “YES”. The only thing we can’t avoid is a Court Subpoena.

“Do you have a client I can speak with to inquire about your quality of services?”

Again, our answer is “YES”. You can ask Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden about our services. They have literally sent/receive tens of thousands of emails well outside the required controls constitutionally mandated for official records of communications.

A spokesman for the email group was heard to say, “As long as you keep the info to yourself and learn to use a delete button, no one will be the wiser”.