Finally I have proof that the Lock Ness Monster, called affectionately ‘Nessy’, is alive and well and gives one heck of a ride.

Last week, when I was doing my book tour in Scotland, I took a detour to the ‘Lock’ and dawned my wet suit. I took off swimming with the faint hope of seeing the infamous creature.

So, I got a little carried away. I did not follow the well known fact of waiting one hour after eating. I had consumed my full meal of haggis and ale.

I was dog paddling in one of the side channels and began to cramp. Oh, that haggis was trying to make a return visit but the three pints seemed to keep it in the proper place. As the cramps began to over-power me, I started to ‘flounder’.

Down I went. Fear filled me. As I struggled for air, I thrust my one, then two and finally my three fingers into the air, when suddenly I was straddling something large and slimy. I was brought to the surface where I filled my lungs with air.

Then I realized I was on the neck of ‘Nessy”! She had saved me. What a sweetheart she is.

She took me on a very thrilling ride around the lock. And boy was that exciting.

She finally slowed and settled her head down so I could slide off. As I floated in amazement Nessy swam out and returned facing me. She starred at me for a moment or two and lowered her head. I assumed she wanted to be petted in a gesture of good will. When suddenly she showed her teeth and attempted to snap at my hand. I pulled away just in time and did a quick, panic swim to the shore.

Once on the beach I turned and she was gone. Lucky my accident camera in the rental car was still running and I got this image.