Colin Kaepernick, I have a message too… Much like Colin’s message, only different. It is as follows: “Believe Anything. Even if it means sacrificing something.” Chainsaw Chicken Peeps
Happy Birthday, Mr. Chicken
This is a covert photo of Chainsaw Chicken and Marilyn Monroe in a private room after she gave President Kennedy her now famous ‘cat-call’ birthday rendition of the children classic song, which she sang at his birthday party in 1961. Later, she was disappointed to learn how roosters approach love-making in an entirely different way […]
North Korea Missile Launch
North Korea shook its chubby little hand at the Western World last week when they launched the Pyongyang’s version of a sea-launched ballistic missile. Chick-Jong-Phew, (seen here with the official country haircut), Supreme Leader of North Korea, witnessed the launch of the ‘Zypie Whon’. An unguided collection of king-size bottle-rockets wrapped together and dipped into […]
Chainsaw, Bill and Monica
Chainsaw Chicken (seen sitting at the desk behind) was the exclusive cigar merchant for the Clinton Administration. He lived two floors above Monica Lewinsky in the Watergate apartments and was the contact between Bill and Monica. It is rumored that Bill, Chainsaw and Monica met at his apartment for Ménage à trois (which is French […]
More Yearbook Trouble
Going back into someone’s past has become quiet fashionable within the media. Chainsaw Chicken is not immune to this practice so he has released his yearbook photo page from his 6th year at Whatsamatta University. Chainsaw stated “I have never seen this yearbook until the press pointed out this page. I have ordered a copy […]
ISIS Takes a Brother
Seen on the Al-Ma-Nut-Job web site today is a photo of the leader of ISIS, Abba Zabba, holding the head of a local Christian Church Leader. His name was Bob Chicken. An official protest was filed at the Swiss council but fell on deaf ears. A new memorandum is being sent to Past Secretary of […]
Where’s Dirty Harry?
Chief Heather Thong or Fong (left), is the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police. Harry (next) is the first trans species detective formally a duck to a chicken. Theresa Sparks (center), a former male, is president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multi-million dollar sex toy retailer offering a new “Dirty […]
Skull and Chicken Bones
Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University, added a new member, Chainsaw Chicken in October 1968. In November, 1971, this obsequious organization was supposedly disbanded. There is a hidden list which is kept at Yale’s library under a bookshelf with a false panel. In this list of notable ‘Bonesmen’, Chainsaw Chicken was a […]
Billery is what they call the political married couple of Bill and Hilary. I am not sure if this is more for the cameras or for real. When she says “two heads are better than one”, I believe Bill is answering back subconsciously to himself ,”I always have heard that two head idiom but I […]
June is ‘PRIDE’ Month
Do you really think they’re too short? I like them! I am proud to represent a group that is less than two percent of the population and make everyone act as those we are the majority. I’m Now on a Stamp