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An Easter Chicken

An Easter Chicken

We all know that the reality of rabbits and bunnies laying eggs for Easter is simply not true. A basic biology class will inform you that rabbits and bunnies are mammals and with that, they don’t lay eggs. If they could and still bunnies or rabbits, they would be called Trans species or Otherkin. Here […]

ROKU Chicken

ROKU Chicken

With the tread of the recognition of the superiority of chickens in general, and Chainsaw Chicken specifically, Roku has dedicated a series on their channel about this very subject. Roku is a company that makes media-streaming devices. The name means “six” in Japanese because Roku is the sixth company launched by its founder, Anthony Wood. […]

Greta Thunberg’s Sister

Greta Thunberg’s Sister

While the world focuses on Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg, there is a growing popularity watching her other sister, Uhla. Uhla has a talent, with the aide of harnessing the substance called DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). This ‘class 1’ substance, taken in large amounts, enables the user to communicate with entities in hyperspace. That’s right! Those of another […]

This one scares me!

This one scares me!

Every time I see this guy, I get the chills. You see it too, right? Oh, the shivers run up my spine. It keeps me awake thinking about running into him somewhere. You feel it too, right? They said his name was Owlman and he was born this way. I think the scary part is […]

Headless Festival Dates

Headless Festival Dates

New dates have been announced for ‘the Mike the Headless Chicken Festival‘ held annually in Fruita, Colorado. This year, they have moved from the weekend after Memorial Day to August 27th and 28th. This festival celebrates a strange event. After Mike went through the event of being slaughtered with head removal, Mike miraculously continued to […]

That’s IT!

That’s IT!

Gee Wiz! I better have a good excuse this time! I mean…. What’s a guy suppose to do? Look, here it is. It’s like this.  I come home from a hard day’s work, I get out of the car, glancing at the mail and begin to see my cloths all over the yard. I reacted […]

Stanley was always a nut!

Stanley was always a nut!

Stanley Chicken was such a comedic child. Always going for the joke, the punchline. Here he is with his Auntie Griselda during a wedding of her daughter to some ‘turkey’ that lasted only a few years. It was a big shift in the family over the wedding. But leave it to Stanley, he tried any […]

Death of Shorty

Death of Shorty

Shorty was the kindest of the kind. He owned ‘Shorty’s Bar and Grill, Albuquerque, New Mexico‘. Mrs. Chicken and I used to go there after a movie when we were dating. We learned that we have lost Shorty to a pack of wild dogs. We saw it as the computer camera started a per-scheduled Zoom […]

Season 1, Ep 28

Season 1, Ep 28

“The Special One” Episode Synopsis: The parents of a child science prodigy are approached by a mysterious official called Mr. Pollo Chick, who offers to give him special private tutoring. Unknown to them, Mr. Pollo Chick is an alien who wants to use their son’s talents for evil. Seems only natural that this evil incarnation […]

Cranial-Rectal Inversion

Cranial-Rectal Inversion

Emergency services were called today to give assistance to one of my cousins, Hardwick Chicken. There was an unfortunate accident. It seems that Hardwick, while stepping out of the shower and drying off was approached by his dog. Feeling in an unusually frisky mood, decided to chase after the dog, playfully pulling on his tail, […]