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Many have seen the portrait of INGSOC on the banners and flags in the near-future docu-drama entitled ‘1984’, written by George Orwell, who’s real name was Eric Blair. Some have asked what INGSOC means? Well, Nancy… if you google the term, you learn that on wikipedofile says it supposedly means “a syllabic abbreviation for English […]

Welcome to Mars!

Welcome to Mars!

All the hoopla, the spectacle, the achievement… I have been on Mars for months! I’m one of the forward observers from my enlistment in Space Force. I am the negotiator for the America First Program to the ‘little green men’. They are little but they are not always ‘green’ and I have no indications that […]

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism is devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies. Such technologies, by merging with Artificial Intelligence sometimes call A.I., would increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans. That’s for me! With the average life span of a […]

Go Ahead- Make My Day

Go Ahead- Make My Day

I will never forget when I got to play one of the kids on the school bus during the climax situation in the movie ‘Dirty Harry‘. I was so excited! I was always around the set several days before shooting my scene. I was even able to grab Harry Guardino’s copy of the script when […]

Bizarro World

Bizarro World

This is so confusing. Is the goose swimming upside down or am I on my beak with my legs flailing in the wind? There is so much to consider. Let’s start with some facts. Geese are not the rocket surgeons we’ve been led to believe. Going north, heading south, flying in geometric patterns while in […]

LIVE – Zoom Chat

LIVE – Zoom Chat

Welcome to our LIVE Zoom call… Please align yourself directly in front of our new web page embedded camera seen here. Please wait while the screen of your computer receives the firmware update making your display into a camera lens. Connection is being establish now. Introduce yourself to the room once your image is visible. […]

LuftChicken Airlines

LuftChicken Airlines

Announcing the airline of the future. It’s named “LuftChicken”. But you may be asking yourself, “Why would anyone want to start up an airline right now with the restrictions and low traffic volume?”… Good question. Let’s ask the founder of this airline. It seems that he is piloting his maiden flight. We will try to […]

Biden’s SCOTUS Judge

Biden’s SCOTUS Judge

Suddenly, with little clamor in the press, rumor has it that an additional name has been added on Biden’s SCOTUS short list. While the world is focused on the Super Bowl, The Genocide Olympics, Russian’s on the border of Ukraine, Covid 19 winding down and  the new cat adopted into the White House, this new […]

Chinese New Year is here!

Chinese New Year is here!

The White House, Senators, Members of Congress, Executives of Big Business, BIG Tech and New World Order are unified in the celebration of the Chinese New Year. This ’emerging’ country celebrates it each year. Chinese New Year also called Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a […]

New Green Energy Update

New Green Energy Update

Chainsaw Chicken International-LTD, has done it again! Chainsaw Chicken, the CEO and President announced that they have successfully created an untapped energy stream. “It came to me when I was remembering something I’d heard so many people say… He’d be spinning in his grave if he knew what was happening”. Chainsaw has created a mechanical […]