You might not know that the movie ‘Harold and Maude” (1971) was a smoldering classic in the eyes of Paramount. So much so that they made what was later to be the first ‘prequel’ before it was considered an option to leverage movies with measured popularity but steaming potential.

Now if you know anything about the movie, they are total strangers throughout the first part and that is the charm especially when they discover they both have a fascination for death. But if that’s the case, how can they do a prequel movie when they only met up in the original movie?

Problem solved. Enter the wonder boys of Paramount’s future like those such as J.J. Abrams. They are the one’s that took shows like Paramount’s most successful TV series, isolated the characters, dropped them into a bag, gave it a hard shake and dumped things out like rolling for yatzee. The backgrounds of the characters were mixed up just as they did in the Star Trek reboot. I mean, like Spock and Uhura… I mean really?

So go to the video store or your local RedBox and secure the movie and watch how he handles this predicament and keep the studio happy.

By the way, it screened with terrible reviews and was pulled from distribution, so good luck.




Ryan the Raker