Many have seen the portrait of INGSOC on the banners and flags in the near-future docu-drama entitled ‘1984’, written by George Orwell, who’s real name was Eric Blair.
Some have asked what INGSOC means? Well, Nancy… if you google the term, you learn that on wikipedofile says it supposedly means “a syllabic abbreviation for English Socialism”.
That’s a lie and you are a dog-faced pony-soldier! …Ah… sorry, I got carried away. Anyway… Where was I? Oh yeah. INGSOC.
The truth is, we were all fed this line but in a resent hand written copy of the first draft of Orwell’s ‘1984’, the word actually displayed on all flags and banners was ‘CHICKENS’.
I know, I had trouble believing it too but there it is, I read it on the Q Anon site. And the alphabet network news services say that this is gospel.
Why Chickens? What did Orwell know that some of us only now realize? It is an acronym with some special meaning.
C = Crested
H = Hegelian
I = Insidious
C = Clucking
K = Killing
E = Effective
N = Nocturnal
S = Subjects
So that’s that!
There is obviously a lot to know about Chainsaw
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It’s one of the reasons the ruling caste arranged his election. Yes, Pinocchio Joe is a puppet of the globalists—and he’s heavily influenced by the Chicoms
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