The winner of the Cadbury Egg Bunny Contest has been announced. It is questionable at best.

It seems that Cadbury took a shine to this Polaroid photo submitted of my evil twin, Calloway Chicken, seen here in a dirty alley. He is nasty, grungy looking, as usual, only this time photographed wearing bunny ears.

Calloway and Chainsaw have been likened to a ‘Good Kirk, Bad Kirk’ a reference to Star Trek, Season One, episode five called “The Enemy Within“. Although the Evil Kirk in Chainsaw’s case did not happen from a transporter accident but rather a mishap at the hatchery were he and Chainsaw escaped from Foster Farms. But that’s another story.

His life was not a great one but he was his own worst enemy.

When he couldn’t find a job he turned to selling “maps to the star’s home’s” but he chose to work in Compton rather than Hollywood. Didn’t have much luck. He then turned to Chicken Porn. He purchased a VHS recorder trying to cut out the middle-man. but the camera movement and poor focus just didn’t work out.


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