With a roar of her motorcycle engine then popping a wheelie as she zoomed to a stop in front of the outdoor press meeting, Hillary Clinton announced her new book to the local press in Scranton, PA.

In a PR stunt trying to leverage the wide spread popularity of Chainsaw Chicken, she wore a full chicken costume, complete with a pair of boots allegedly from Vince Foster.

“I want to thank all of you for attending my announcement ceremony for my new book, ‘State of Terror‘! It’s a fiction book I think you’ll all enjoy. It’s timely and focused on the problem and issues facing the people of the United State from the corruption and crimes of the previous administration that stole the election away from me”.

Her motorcycle remained idling as she spoke to the small crowd.

One of the reporters asked a question, “Madam President…ehhh I mean Mrs. President-Senator Clinton, ma’am; Did Chainsaw Chicken act as a ghost writer for this book?”

“What???… Hillary, showed anger, she began to rev the engine as she mouthed some inane answer to the question. Once done, the engine idled down again.

“Where’d you get Vince Foster’s boots..?” asked another reporter.

“Oh these were a gift….”The engine revved up again but reading her lips it looked like she said that they have been in the back of her closet for some time now.

The engine again quieted down to a purr… then suddenly stopped as if it ran out of gas.

“Hillary was suddenly open to having to answer questions without the camouflage of the bike noise.

I’m sorry, I have to run to my next presser…” She unsaddled herself from the seat and began pushing the bike in hast.

A reporter shouted to her asking “Just how much of the book did YOU actually write?”

Hillery responded with her mouth making engine noises, her hand momentarily pointing to her ear indicating that she could not hear the question and she continued pushing the dead motorcycle, “Vroooom, vrooom, vroom”!




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