Once we heard the welcoming message posted throughout Martha’s Vineyard, Chainsaw and his whole family decided to relocate to that wanting island. We traded eggs for a great big school bus that had been used by a local organic commune. They had decided to go ‘all-electric’ using rechargeable flashlight batteries on a used Chevy Volt.

Chainsaw gathered as many relatives as he could to migrate, or is it immigrate to the wonderful community of the island?

Cousin Dr. Jill Chicken read aloud from one of the many signs posted conspicuously everywhere.

“They respect woman, well I choose to be a woman, and black lives, they stand with LGBTQ members. Heck, we all question Joey’s sexuality,… Oh Hey! They welcome Immigrants and refugees! That’s us!… and they say All Are Welcome Here!”

A gentle tear appeared in Dr. Jill’s eye as she turned to proclaim to all the members on the bus. “Let’s find some place to roost!”

UPDATE: Once they headed for the city center and mingled among the locals and merchants they were suddenly swept up by the town council and relocated to the local Foster Farm processing plant to better “assist” the family.


You Stupid Son of a Bitch!