The creator of Apple computer products, Steve Jobs and the robotic creator of the line of home computers named after him, Commodore Chicken, listened intensely to Bill Gates. He’s the creator of Microsoft.

They hung on every word and phrase as Bill outlined his plans for the rest of the world.

“I am going to buy up all the major farm land in the country cornering the world food market. I’ll make raising beef impracticable… And I’ll end real meat. I will make fake meat!”…Steve and Commodore froze in position but their eyes darted back and forth glancing at each other.

Bill clasped his hands together, gently bringing them to his lips. He continued, “I am going to make vaccines the most important thing to manage the world’s population under the guise of making people safer and better. We’ll use mosquitos to deliver the sterilizing agents whether they want it or not! “.

Steve and Commodore shifted uncomfortably in their position, blinking and swallowing hard. Steve said “Bill, do you feel okay?”

“Yes. yes. yes…Inspired is the way I feel” dismissed Bill, waving his hands independently for no apparent purpose, then returning to his chin. “And what’s all this death panel crap just because I complained about grandma spending all her last money at the end of life to gain a few months?  Is that a death panel?

Steve softly said, “And I thought monitoring all the people in the world as well as making children assemble my products in China was extreme!”

Commodore reached to hit his reset button while searching for his start-up floppy disk, but his system crashed and he softly bent over partially while he powered down.