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Commodore Chicken

Commodore Chicken

The creator of Apple computer products, Steve Jobs and the robotic creator of the line of home computers named after him, Commodore Chicken, listened intensely to Bill Gates. He’s the creator of Microsoft. They hung on every word and phrase as Bill outlined his plans for the rest of the world. “I am going to […]

Wuhan Lab Discovery

Wuhan Lab Discovery

Guest scientist Fauci Chicken has been working non-stop for months at the Wuhan Labs, in order to try to avoid the similarities of the issues with Merek’s Disease and Covid-19. Here is what Wikipediphile says about Merek’s Disease in chickens: (look for yourself under ‘Prevention’ at the link below) “Because vaccination does not prevent infection […]

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism is devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies. Such technologies, by merging with Artificial Intelligence sometimes call A.I., would increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans. That’s for me! With the average life span of a […]