Mrs. Chainsaw Chicken and I have what would be labeled as an ‘open relationship‘. More specifically, I have an open relationship, she is monogamous. But in my defense, I am a rooster… a MALE rooster. So there’s my excuse. I said all that to say this. Meet my girlfriend Shebooka. I playfully call her ‘She-Bazooka”. […]
A Disappearing Park
“Chopsticks” Chicken, an Asian 3rd cousin removed, was a honored and respected person within the Japanese culture in the 20’s and 30’s. He would run around and give money to random people daily. So regularly that people became used to his dispensing money. On a day when he ran out of money early, he coined […]
Arty Chicken, Spy Killer
There is a dark side to some of Chainsaw Chicken’s relatives. One had CIA assassin training during the cold war. Arty Chicken was a known double agent. He had arranged to go on a hunting trip with a Soviet agent and his handler. Arty was told by the ‘Agency’ that these two agents were to […]
Hey dude…!
What’s up!!!? How about getting a life? Chainsaw Chicken keeps running into the stereotypical actions of his grandson ‘Stoner” Chicken. Let’s see who can identify with these traits in your home? Wears only black t-shirts (usually rock bands that were popular when YOU were young but he thinks he has discovered them). Stays up until […]
The TIGHT Jacket
At one point in Chainsaw Chickens past, he suffered from bi-polar/dis-associative/anti-social/psychotic/borderline/OCD phobia. He is seen here under armed guard, in a straight jacket within a padded cell and under chemical castration. Cranial-Rectal Inversion
We Had a Warm Halloween
One of our favorite Halloween activities was to roast our candy…. Creepy, huh? Uncle Chuck’s ’65 Chevy Malibu was real easy to set a flame. Just a lite cigarette dropped on those cotton stuffed seats soaked in turpentine and …. “WOOOOSH!” Stanley was always a nut!
Oppps… I Sharted
Struck Down
Oh, the humanity of it all! Not only was she struck down in her youth by an illegal immigrant driving under the influence of Colorado’s new Marijuana laws, but to then also be humiliated by having a highway Stripe-Painting truck spay over her broken body while in the throws of death. Now she has shed […]
Follow The Comet
Missing out on the Hale-Bopp comet event with the Heaven’s Gate followers, Bobby ‘Bongo’ Chicken always felt he was left out. He took it upon himself to try to catch up with those who preceded him back in ’97. ‘Bongo’ purchased the Niki’s, black pants, purple sheet and apple sauce. He stared at the Marshall […]
June is ‘PRIDE’ Month
Do you really think they’re too short? I like them! I am proud to represent a group that is less than two percent of the population and make everyone act as those we are the majority. I’m Now on a Stamp