There is a lot of interest in the big budget scifi movie release about to hit the screen. It’s a rehash of a remake of a reboot with many of the same old titans that roam the earth.

Remember the last Godzilla flick? It was discussed in the movie that they thought there were at least 17 mega creatures. That’s MEGA, not MAGA. They rolled out all those titan critters from around the world. They showed Mothra ( a giant moth creature), Kumonga (a giant spider creature), Rodan (kinda like a pteranodon flying dino but Rodan had feathers), King Ghidorah ( a flying Hydra with only 3 heads and a bad attitude) but where was Ikari Kurutta Niwator?

Ikari Kurutta Niwator (Japanese for Mad Chicken) has been know but not discussed much in the Godzilla series. The Mad Chicken is known as Cosmic Chicken in Finland where it emerged in February of 2019. Now it has raised his ugly feathered head.

I guess the studio had decided to bow to the pressure in the chat rooms and science fiction conferences with a growing demand to have Ikari Kurutta Niwator be included somewhere.

Well they got their wish. In the close of the final combat scene, the winner between Kong and Godzilla (I won’t spoil it for you), lines up to take on Ikari Kurutta Niwator.

The feathers and fur flew (did that give anything away?).

It was a setup for the next in the series.

Cosmic Chicken Attacks