This statue was brought to Britain 119 years ago. It was removed from display at Cambridge University in 2006 over a ‘racism’ claim. The bronze cockerel, was known as the Okukor. IN 2006, the College’s student union passed a motion. They insisted it should be returned to present day Nigeria after they claimed British troops […]
Happy Mom’s Day!
Today we celebrate Mom’s everywhere. We collectively all celebrate the concept of ‘mothers’ and how we appreciate all their care, attention and loving in our lives. My mother is no exception. Sure, there are some mothers that may have been more care-givers, maybe more understanding, but none that were more affected by the results of […]
Spare the Rod…
Spare the Rod…Spoil the child! That’s what Chainsaw’s step-father used to say at every opportunity he had to discipline me. Sure, there may have been things that Chainsaw did as a adolescent with a inquisitive nature. Generally behaviors like “Will this carpet burn if I use an iron on high and let it rest for […]
Have Gun Will Cluck
It’s new series season again. Chainsaw Chicken has developed a concept package that he has been offering which flashes back to when Westerns were so popular on the small screen. Chainsaw takes literary license by borrowing from several previously successful shows, tosses them into a visual blender, spins on 12 for a minute and then […]
Chainsaw Chicken Peeps
Have you got ahold of the new Peeps for this year? It’s the Chainsaw Chicken Peeps. My box arrived today. Oh they look so good. This year, instead of fluffy marshmallow, Peeps decided to keep this version different by not allowing them to rise. They are also mixed with a layer of Sorghum to make […]
Cadbury Egg Winner
The winner of the Cadbury Egg Bunny Contest has been announced. It is questionable at best. It seems that Cadbury took a shine to this Polaroid photo submitted of my evil twin, Calloway Chicken, seen here in a dirty alley. He is nasty, grungy looking, as usual, only this time photographed wearing bunny ears. Calloway […]
Chicken-dactyl Called Foo
Tragedy struck the cold case team attempting to reconstruct the 1961 disappearance of Michael Rockefeller. He was the fifth child of Nelson Rockefeller and one of the heirs to the Rockefeller dynasty. All this mystery centered around Papua, New Guinea. Michael was ostensibly going to study the Asmat tribe, because they were some of the […]
Instruction Book
Has this ever happened to you? You are in a casual meeting with other friends or co-works, and they begin to use slang words and expressions you simply do not understand. What do you do? Do you just nod in acceptance to what they are expressing? Do you feel that you want to add to […]
Black light treatment
Several years ago it was thought that exposing the young to black light rays would ease their transition with the painful development of their pin feathers. Years later, it became more obvious that all the black light did was allow them to develop fuller, thicker, more glorious feathers but did not aid in the pin […]
Chick-Kids Gathering
So much can be seen in this family reunion photo with all the Chicken kids gathered for a remembrance pic. All the relatives and their offspring. Left to right is Calhoun Chicken on the pony; his sister Dane; the Cacciatore twins – Sophia and Gina; Crocky (hiding behind the kids); Cheech (in the striped shirt); […]