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Biden’s First Presser

Biden’s First Presser

Today I tried the new drinking game that is centered around President Biden’s speeches. It works like this. Every time Uncle Joe uses the words, ‘Look’, ‘It’s like this’, ‘c’mon man’ or ‘Give me a break’, you have to take a drink. We were going to do a drink every time he says ‘Uhh’ or […]

Chainsaw Chicken Area

Chainsaw Chicken Area

No, it’s not an autonomous zone like CHAZ or George Floyd Square. It’s a popularized expression of a community awareness. Groups who mutually gather with a common joy of a single thought or concept. But they don’t block others from entering or exposing those less aware to the idea. All skin colors, ethnicity, races, creeds, […]

Cuomosexuals on Parade

Cuomosexuals on Parade

Recognizing an opportunity when he sees one, Leroy ‘Big Daddy’ Chicken has gathered a group of committed, self-proclaimed Cuomosexuals to be exhibited at the I LOVE NEW YORK CONVENTION (the State, not the city), “Look… ahhh… Here’s the deal… I mean… ahhh… c’mon man… Give me a break. My girls are happy to be whatever […]

Co-ed Cooing

Co-ed Cooing

As can be seen in this historic 1960’s photo taken on a University campus, it shows the disturbing and unhealthy practice of what some label as ‘heavy petting’. All caused by the evils of rock and roll. As the transistor radio held by Brian ‘Beach Boy’ Chicken lures an unaware female with his demon music, […]

Too Much Lock Down

Too Much Lock Down

Those Chicken boys, Ricky and Dicky, have been in a Covid lock down way too long. Or Maybe their mother is the one that has been locked down too long? You decide. Month after month of  ‘Stay indoors’, ‘Don’t go outside’, ‘kid’s can’t go to school’. The boys are goin’ crazy. If you take the […]

Golden Turkey Award?

Golden Turkey Award?

No Thank You! I heard that I was up for this Golden Turkey Award. I have notified the nomination committee and the voting members of the group, in the tradition of Marlon Brando and George C. Scott with their Oscars, and in the words of our 37th President, Lyndon Baines Johnson… “If nominated, I will […]

Deleted Meghan Segment

Deleted Meghan Segment

Everyone is talking about the interview blasted all over the world where Oprah interviewed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. In the West they are known as Harry and Meghan, ex-members of the British Royal Family who chose to sever their Royal connections and obligations to make an independent name for themselves by doing philanthropic […]

Becoming more woke

Becoming more woke

What’s that old expression? If you can’t lick ’em, then join ’em. I tried, I really tried. Honest Injun, I tried. I wanted to be culturally sensitive and woke. I bought the knit cap, got tat’s up and down both arms and legs. I have ear buds connecting to my new I-Phone that cost more […]